Pilots and Hollywood

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Through the decades aviation manufactures have had close ties to the entertainment industry. Douglas Aircraft Co. was headquartered in Santa Monica the location helped them have access to Hollywood stars. The stars were glamorous, and people wanted to emulate them. World War 11 many films were about the e success of the fighter planes. During the Depression the aviation industry was growing. In order to entice more people to fly they would have movie stars make talks about how wonderful it was to travel by air. 

 In 1927 Boeing had many of their planes in the motion picture “Wings” It was a silent picture that won the first Oscar for first “Best Picture.” The combination of the fighter planes in the movie made the film very accurate. 

  Passengers flying in the 30s, 40s and 50s had flew first class pricing and seating. They thought that there was a chance to sit next to their favorite star. Boeing and other plane manufacturers were consultants on the accuracy of the technical aspects of the film. As consultants they got to know the stars in the films and spread the word of the companies. Boeing and others wanted to help recreate the glamor of flying. Today that isn’t true. Passengers don’t have very many amenities. In decades past travel by air was the best way to travel.

  Boeing developed a very close relationship with the major movie studios. Even today the company has a interesting relationship with the movie industry.

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